List of All Posts
70 Years of Failure: the death of the queen and current shortcomings of republican campaigning
A Country Called Europe
A Jubilee or a mask for anarchy?
Anti-Unionism and Left Unity
Being a Republican Means More
England and Israel – the Jewish Republic in crisis
English Nationalism
European Elections
Free Julian Assange
Free Julian Assange Now
Israel and Fascism
Israel and the Republican Minimum Programme
Labour Left Alliance – social monarchism or republicanism?
Labour’s Historic Defeat in Scotland
Open Letter from England
Part 1 Corbyn, Left Unity and Republican Socialism
Quit pandering to far right migrant narrative: Radical democratic reform must be at the heart of our response to a resurgent far-right
RIC splits
Royal Socialism
Scotland’s Travails and England’s Woes
The Coronation and the Commonwealth of England
The Crown and slavery: a democratic republican reading of the Guardian series
The Kingdom of Judea and the Republic of Israel
The Republican Case for a Democratic Secular Federal Republic of Israel and Palestine
Free Julian Assange
Free Julian Assange | The launch of the Labour Campaign for Free Speech on Saturday 13 February 2021, as reported in Weekly Worker, may prove significant and timely. The conference, with three...
Open Letter from England
Radical Independence Campaign Open Letter from England To: Jonathon Shafi (co-founder of RIC) 9 February 2021 Dear Jonathan, I am writing as a supporter of the Radical Independence Campaign (RIC)...
RIC splits
RIC splits | On Sunday 31 January the reconvened conference of the Radical Independence Campaign (RIC) split into a RIC majority and RIC minority over whether the Campaign should continue and be...
Free Julian Assange Now
Free Julian Assange Now | Defend our democratic right to know. Free Julian Assange Now. I will start with three questions; 1. Will the defeat of Donald Trump and election of Joe Biden make any...
Part 1 Corbyn, Left Unity and Republican Socialism
Part 1 Corbyn, Left Unity and Republican Socialism | We might start at the beginning. In 2013 I attended the founding conference of Left Unity debating the merits of different platforms. I spoke...
Labour’s Historic Defeat in Scotland
Labour's Historic Defeat in Scotland | You may remember the famous Monty Python sketch about a parrot returned by a dissatisfied customer, John Cleese, to the pet-shop run by Michael Palin. As...
Labour Left Alliance – social monarchism or republicanism?
Labour Left Alliance - social monarchism or republicanism? Republicanism in the Labour Party is the ‘dog that doesn’t bark’ argues Kenneth Morgan, with...
English Nationalism
English Nationalism In Weekly Worker (12 March 2020) Bob Smart criticises my comments on Royal Socialism and English nationalism by saying I “attack(s) Labour Party Marxists...
Royal Socialism
Royal Socialism | As reported by Stan Keable in “A vision of royal socialism” (Weekly Worker 27 February 2020) the Labour Left Alliance (LLA) conference on 22 February 2020 was a significant event...
European Elections
European Elections | Hardly a day goes by without the ‘Brexit revolution’ taking some new turn. The plot to overthrow May was slapped down when she called the conspirators to her Chequers country...
Anti-Unionism and Left Unity
Anti-Unionism and Left Unity | The Tories, UKIP, the Democratic Unionists, the Liberal Democrats, and the Labour Party are all British Unionist parties. Last weekend Left Unity (LU) conference took...
Free Julian Assange
Free Julian Assange | The launch of the Labour Campaign for Free Speech on Saturday 13 February 2021, as reported in Weekly Worker, may prove significant and timely. The conference, with three...
Open Letter from England
Radical Independence Campaign Open Letter from England To: Jonathon Shafi (co-founder of RIC) 9 February 2021 Dear Jonathan, I am writing as a supporter of the Radical Independence Campaign (RIC)...
RIC splits
RIC splits | On Sunday 31 January the reconvened conference of the Radical Independence Campaign (RIC) split into a RIC majority and RIC minority over whether the Campaign should continue and be...
Free Julian Assange Now
Free Julian Assange Now | Defend our democratic right to know. Free Julian Assange Now. I will start with three questions; 1. Will the defeat of Donald Trump and election of Joe Biden make any...
Part 1 Corbyn, Left Unity and Republican Socialism
Part 1 Corbyn, Left Unity and Republican Socialism | We might start at the beginning. In 2013 I attended the founding conference of Left Unity debating the merits of different platforms. I spoke...
Labour’s Historic Defeat in Scotland
Labour's Historic Defeat in Scotland | You may remember the famous Monty Python sketch about a parrot returned by a dissatisfied customer, John Cleese, to the pet-shop run by Michael Palin. As...
Labour Left Alliance – social monarchism or republicanism?
Labour Left Alliance - social monarchism or republicanism? Republicanism in the Labour Party is the ‘dog that doesn’t bark’ argues Kenneth Morgan, with...
English Nationalism
English Nationalism In Weekly Worker (12 March 2020) Bob Smart criticises my comments on Royal Socialism and English nationalism by saying I “attack(s) Labour Party Marxists...
Royal Socialism
Royal Socialism | As reported by Stan Keable in “A vision of royal socialism” (Weekly Worker 27 February 2020) the Labour Left Alliance (LLA) conference on 22 February 2020 was a significant event...
European Elections
European Elections | Hardly a day goes by without the ‘Brexit revolution’ taking some new turn. The plot to overthrow May was slapped down when she called the conspirators to her Chequers country...
Anti-Unionism and Left Unity
Anti-Unionism and Left Unity | The Tories, UKIP, the Democratic Unionists, the Liberal Democrats, and the Labour Party are all British Unionist parties. Last weekend Left Unity (LU) conference took...
List of All Posts
70 Years of Failure: the death of the queen and current shortcomings of republican campaigning
A Country Called Europe
A Jubilee or a mask for anarchy?
Anti-Unionism and Left Unity
Being a Republican Means More
England and Israel – the Jewish Republic in crisis
English Nationalism
European Elections
Free Julian Assange
Free Julian Assange Now
Israel and Fascism
Israel and the Republican Minimum Programme
Labour Left Alliance – social monarchism or republicanism?
Labour’s Historic Defeat in Scotland
Open Letter from England
Part 1 Corbyn, Left Unity and Republican Socialism
Quit pandering to far right migrant narrative: Radical democratic reform must be at the heart of our response to a resurgent far-right
RIC splits
Royal Socialism
Scotland’s Travails and England’s Woes
The Coronation and the Commonwealth of England
The Crown and slavery: a democratic republican reading of the Guardian series
The Kingdom of Judea and the Republic of Israel
The Republican Case for a Democratic Secular Federal Republic of Israel and Palestine