England and Israel – the Jewish Republic in crisis | On the 7 January 2023 a small protest of left wing and pro-Palestinian parties gathered in Tel Aviv to oppose the Netanyahu coalition...
Scotland’s Travails and England’s Woes
Scotland’s Travails and England’s Woes | The demise of Nicola Sturgeon was the latest twist in the political game between England and Scotland. The arrest of Peter Murrell, the former SNP chief...
The Coronation and the Commonwealth of England
FOR AN ENGLISH PARLIAMENT FOR AN AGREEMENT OF THE PEOPLE FOR PUBLIC OWNERSHIP OF THE LAND The Coronation and the Commonwealth of England | Charles Windsor is automatically the head of state under...
A Jubilee or a mask for anarchy?
A Jubilee or a mask for anarchy? Republicanism has generally had a bad press. Monarchists have either successfully associated it with bloody, revolutionary violence or whenever events like the Jubilee occur, dismissed it as party-pooping, straight-laced, puritanical,...
Open Letter from England
Radical Independence Campaign Open Letter from England To: Jonathon Shafi (co-founder of RIC) 9 February 2021 Dear Jonathan, I am writing as a supporter of the Radical Independence Campaign (RIC) who came to Glasgow in 2014 along with other supporters from England...
RIC splits
RIC splits | On Sunday 31 January the reconvened conference of the Radical Independence Campaign (RIC) split into a RIC majority and RIC minority over whether the Campaign should continue and be upgraded or whether it should be closed down. In the 2014 Scottish...
Part 1 Corbyn, Left Unity and Republican Socialism
Part 1 Corbyn, Left Unity and Republican Socialism | We might start at the beginning. In 2013 I attended the founding conference of Left Unity debating the merits of different platforms. I spoke about the three historical reference points behind the platforms...
Labour’s Historic Defeat in Scotland
Labour's Historic Defeat in Scotland | You may remember the famous Monty Python sketch about a parrot returned by a dissatisfied customer, John Cleese, to the pet-shop run by Michael Palin. As Cleese enters the shop, Palin says, “We are closing for lunch”. Cleese says...
Labour Left Alliance – social monarchism or republicanism?
Labour Left Alliance - social monarchism or republicanism? Republicanism in the Labour Party is the ‘dog that doesn’t bark’ argues Kenneth Morgan, with reference to Sherlock Holmes who deduced from the absence of a fact who...
Being a Republican Means More
Being A Republican Means More Than Being Anti-Monarchist | Betty Windsor's extended 90th birthday celebrations have led some socialists to proclaim their anti-monarchist credentials. Criticism is usually focused on the antiquated class structure, which the monarchy...
A Country Called Europe
A Country Called Europe | Do you want to live in a country called Europe? Boris Johnson says ‘No, No, No’ whereas I would give a conditional Yes. If Europe was a fully democratic country it would be infinitely better than living in the current bureaucratic EU or the...