European Elections | Hardly a day goes by without the ‘Brexit revolution’ taking some new turn. The plot to overthrow May was slapped down when she called the conspirators to her Chequers country...
Anti-Unionism and Left Unity
Anti-Unionism and Left Unity | The Tories, UKIP, the Democratic Unionists, the Liberal Democrats, and the Labour Party are all British Unionist parties. Last weekend Left Unity (LU) conference took...
A Country Called Europe
A Country Called Europe | Do you want to live in a country called Europe? Boris Johnson says ‘No, No, No’ whereas I would give a conditional Yes. If Europe was a fully democratic country it would be...
English Nationalism
English Nationalism In Weekly Worker (12 March 2020) Bob Smart criticises my comments on Royal Socialism and English nationalism by saying I “attack(s) Labour Party Marxists for not supporting the right of self-determination for Scotland and Wales. It is...
European Elections
European Elections | Hardly a day goes by without the ‘Brexit revolution’ taking some new turn. The plot to overthrow May was slapped down when she called the conspirators to her Chequers country palace. Next day in parliament she ruled out ‘no deal’ and pulled the...
Anti-Unionism and Left Unity
Anti-Unionism and Left Unity | The Tories, UKIP, the Democratic Unionists, the Liberal Democrats, and the Labour Party are all British Unionist parties. Last weekend Left Unity (LU) conference took a significant step forward. It became an Anti-Unionist party and thus...
A Country Called Europe
A Country Called Europe | Do you want to live in a country called Europe? Boris Johnson says ‘No, No, No’ whereas I would give a conditional Yes. If Europe was a fully democratic country it would be infinitely better than living in the current bureaucratic EU or the...
Anti-Semitism | Really Palestine! Labour Shadow Educational Secretary, Lucy Powell claimed that Labour had a problem with anti-Semitism “otherwise we wouldn’t have spent the best part of the last six days talking about it”. (Channel 4 News) The Labour Right has indeed...